Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rub a Dub Dub Two Men in a Tub

Now that Blake is sitting up we decided to try out his ring for the bathtub! It suits him much better than the infant tub and now I don't get soaked when he gets a bath! Although the side of our tub is kinda high so it makes it hard for me to bend over it to bathe him, so usually Kyle gives the boys baths. On this day, however, I had to do here are some cute pictures of the kiddos!!!

Such a big boy!!!

I think he likes it!!

Playing away!!

Yes...I do realize that Drew is wearing his swimming trunks. Sometimes you do what you gotta do!!

Here is a picture of what happened when I asked Drew to get a diaper. He apparently got sidetracked. And yes, he is under his bed!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That ring is kind of cool-I've never seen one. Hannah has been bathing in the kitchen sink but we are moving her to the tub this week because she keeps standing in the sink and it's making me nervous!